
Applying with us is very easy

Simply complete your personal details below, then answer our questionnaire which is specific to this vacancy. Your answers to the questionnaire will enable us to process your application faster. At the very bottom of this page please upload your resume and a covering letter or supporting documents if relevant. We accept files in PDF, .doc or .docx formats, under 2MB.

You are applying for the position:

2025 South West Sport Centre Work Experience - Operations | Bunbury, Australia

Application Form

(All fields are required)

1. Diversity:
Do you identify as a person with a disability?

2. Gender:
How do you identify?

3. Diversity:
Do you identify and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?

4. Source of application:
Where did you hear about this opportunity?

5. Personal Statement:
Please provide a short statement about yourself and your interests.

6. Qualification:
Which qualification or certificate are you completing?

7. Interest in work experience:
Please tell us why you are interested in work experience at this facility.

8. Area of Interest:
Please indicate the area within South West Sport Centre that you are interested in for your work experience placement.

9. School/Organisation:
Please advise which school or organisation you attend.

10. Insurance:
Does your school or organisation provide insurance?

11. School Contact:
Please provide your Teacher/Work Experience Coordinator's name, contact number and email address.

12. Days available to attend work experience:
Please specify the day and times you would like to attend

13. Dates for Work Experience:
Please indicate the range of months that cover your preferred work experience date.

14. Specific Dates:
Please detail the specific date range you wish to attend for work experience.

15. Reasonable adjustments or support:
We embrace diversity and inclusion in our workplace and are committed to providing reasonable adjustments for individuals who require them. Please indicate any reasonable adjustments or support we can offer you below.

File size limit: 2MB each file. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

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